The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Pedigree of:
Joey Saint Of Sauk
; Salt & Pepper
Fritz Dandy
; Salt & Pepper
Danny Duchesson
; Salt & Pepper
Regard's Hansel
R148824; Salt & Pepper
Hit Parades Yankee Doodle
Hit Parades Dixie
Duchess Dandy
; Salt & Pepper
Hit Parades Yankee Doodle
Regard's Mitzi
Schotzy Of Dent
; Salt & Pepper
Replica Of Rondale
; Salt & Pepper
Marko Of Rondale
Joy Of Earldorf
Penelope Of East Silent Lake
; Salt & Pepper
Regard's Timothy
Hit Parades Dixie
Schatze Queenbee
; Salt & Pepper
Hans Von Kee Kee
; Salt & Pepper
Regard's Hansel
R148824; Salt & Pepper
Hit Parades Yankee Doodle
Hit Parades Dixie
Regard's Heideroeslein
; Salt & Pepper
Regard's Timothy
Regard's Bonnie
Regard's Liebchen
; Salt & Pepper
Cal-Shur's Most Happy Fellow
; Salt & Pepper
Distinction Of Ledahof
Regard's Susette
; Salt & Pepper
Regard's Hansel
Thompson's Whiskers