The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Pedigree of:
Miss Sally Of Cloverleaf
(F) 12/29/2005
RN20258201; Salt & Pepper
Breeder: B Donley
Owner: B Donley
Sir Tallyho Of Cloverleaf
(M) 12/24/2003
RN20254101; Salt & Pepper
Breeder: C Duvall
Owner: B Donley
Tonya's Buddy Forever Clm
(M) 04/14/2001
RM33648102; Salt & Pepper
Breeder: D Lee
Owner: C Duvall & D Duvall
Larry's Darth Vader
Lee's Lexus
Clora Wingo
Miss Sareen Of Cloverleaf