The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Pedigree of:
Soo Big's Von Skipper
; Salt & Pepper
Clarenson's Hans
R654786; Salt & Pepper
Clarenson's Peppy
R452487; Salt & Pepper
R350110; Salt & Pepper
San-Bar's Mr Troubles
Sparky's Miss Gaiety
Hedi's Susan
(F) 12/15/1961
R307956; Salt & Pepper
Bo Bo's Magic Pride
Val-Kam's Miss Heidi
Clarenson's Abigail
; Salt & Pepper
De Burger's L Loudenback
R297982; Salt & Pepper
Dick's George W
Pitt Penn Pirate's Joy An Finke
Penn Pirate's Schauburg
; Salt & Pepper
Dick's George W
Pitt Penn Pirate's Joy An Finke
Mohawk Silver Lady
; Salt & Pepper
Mohawk Joe
; Salt & Pepper
Mo-Ray's Royal Ally
; Salt & Pepper
Hoby Of Marienhof
Reno Chatter Box
Blakeley's Cinderella
; Salt & Pepper
Blakeley's Dusty Road
Wilson's Silver Princess
Blakeley's Cinderella
; Salt & Pepper
Blakeley's Dusty Road
(M) 02/23/1956
R206995; Salt & Pepper
Drum Beat Of Gengl-Aire
Donilee's Carlee Donna
Wilson's Silver Princess
; Salt & Pepper
Neff's Silver Heather