Reverse pedigree of:
Chelines Was-In-Elizondo (M) 07/15/2001 S131212004; Salt & Pepper |
Hosszubereki-Csaszar Tirlittan (F) FIN3166108;
Cartoon Heroes Lady Marmelade (F) 11/16/2008 FIN6030008; Salt & Pepper
Cartoon Heroes Lilliput (M) 11/16/2008 FIN6029808; Salt & Pepper
Cartoon Heroes Lion King (M) 11/16/2008 FIN6029608; Salt & Pepper
Cartoon Heroes Little Prince (M) 11/16/2008 FIN6029708; Salt & Pepper
Cartoon Heroes Louis Lane (F) 11/16/2008 FIN6029908; Salt & Pepper
Cartoon Heroes Lucky Luke (M) 11/16/2008 FIN6029508; Salt & Pepper
Rinaldo Rinaldini Dai Medick (M) METSCHN790806; Salt & Pepper
Keoma's Amulett Faye Dunaway (F) 03/11/2018 METTSCHN82919 FI1259520; Salt & Pepper
Hanrietta I Love Elmo Junior (M) 03/21/2021 FI2791621; Salt & Pepper
Hanrietta I Love Rose (M) 03/21/2021 FI2791721; Salt & Pepper
EST CH RUMBA DAI MEDICI (F) 04/23/2006 FIN1005408; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Ballerina Pepper (F) 03/26/2011 FI2933811; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Bessies Pepper (F) 03/26/2011 FI2933911; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Bolero Pepper (M) 03/26/2011 FI2933611; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Boris Pepper (M) 03/26/2011 FI2933711; Salt & Pepper
FIN CH PEACEMAKER'S BRAVO PEPPER (M) 03/26/2011 FI2933511; Salt & Pepper
Ada 3 (F) 08/05/2012 ; Salt & Pepper
Adele (F) 08/05/2012 FI4827112; Salt & Pepper
Albert 4 (M) 08/05/2012 FI4826712; Salt & Pepper
Alfred 2 (M) 08/05/2012 ; Salt & Pepper
Amanda 14 (F) 08/05/2012 ; Salt & Pepper
Arthur 9 (M) 08/05/2012 FI4826912; Salt & Pepper
Nana 1 (F) 12/18/2014 FI2094815; Salt & Pepper
Emelie (F) 06/12/2017 FI3869717; Salt & Pepper
Lennart (F) 06/12/2017 FI3869417; Salt & Pepper
Simeon (F) 06/12/2017 FI3869517; Salt & Pepper
Vivian 1 (F) 06/12/2017 FI3869617; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Xanadu-Pepper (F) 04/08/2019 FI2627819; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Xara-Pepper (F) 04/08/2019 FI2627919; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Jenni Pepper (F) 04/19/2016 FI2807716; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Jerenimo Pepper (M) 04/19/2016 FI2807216; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Josara Pepper (F) 04/19/2016 FI2807516; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Justina Pepper (F) 04/19/2016 FI2807616; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Juuli Pepper (F) 04/19/2016 FI2807316; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Juuni Pepper (F) 04/19/2016 FI2807416; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Theo (M) 05/21/2012 FI3859412; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Theresa (F) 05/21/2012 FI3859912; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Therry (F) 05/21/2012 FI3859612; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Tiffany (F) 05/21/2012 FI3859812; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Tild (F) 05/21/2012 FI3859512; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Twiggy (F) 05/21/2012 FI3859712; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Zachary (M) 01/19/2014 FI1696714; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Zena (F) 01/19/2014 FI1696514; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Zepe (M) 01/19/2014 FI1696614; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salted-Zuck (M) 01/19/2014 FI1696814; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salty Big Ben (M) 05/08/2015 FI3370515; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salty Big Hugo (M) 05/08/2015 FI3370615; Salt & Pepper
Uptight Jack's Salty Blanche (F) 05/08/2015 FI3370415; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Yolande (F) 01/08/2010 FI1591710; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's You Are My Hero (M) 01/08/2010 FI1591610; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Nacho-Pepper (M) 03/05/2012 FI2360712; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Nelly-Pepper (F) 03/05/2012 FI2361112; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Nemea-Pepper (F) 03/05/2012 FI2361212; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Acasia-Pepper (F) 02/15/2014 FI1954714; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee AdeliaPepper (F) 02/15/2014 FI1954814; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Amalia-Pepper (F) 02/15/2014 FI1954914; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Aurelia-Pepper (F) 02/15/2014 FI1955014; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Avisson-Pepper (M) 02/15/2014 FI1954614; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Jessica-Pepper (F) 12/15/2015 FI1228016; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Nieve-Pepper (M) 03/05/2012 FI2360812; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Nijinsky-Pepper (M) 03/05/2012 FI2360912; Salt & Pepper
Great Valentines Xandra (F) 04/05/2013 FI2851713; Salt & Pepper
Great Valentines Xenia (F) 04/05/2013 FI2851613; Salt & Pepper
Great Valentines Ximena (F) 04/05/2013 FI2851813; Salt & Pepper
Great Valentines Xiona (F) 04/05/2013 FI2851913; Salt & Pepper
Great Valentines Xirina (F) 04/05/2013 FI2852013; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Nimbus-Pepper (M) 03/05/2012 FI2361012; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Noona-Pepper (F) 03/05/2012 FI2361312; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Lamaya-Pepper (F) 08/20/2016 FI4619416; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Lassi-Pepper (M) 08/20/2016 FI4619316; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Layla-Pepper For Luvimarin (F) 08/20/2016 FI4619516; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Octillery-Pepper (M) 05/31/2018 FI3591618; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Oddish-Pepper (M) 05/31/2018 FI3591718; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Omastar-Pepper (M) 05/31/2018 FI3591418; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Onix-Pepper (M) 05/31/2018 FI3591518; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Qlento (M) 07/04/2019 FI3991019; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Qnkivi (F) 07/04/2019 FI3991419; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Qnsade (F) 07/04/2019 FI3991319; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Qnsilta (F) 07/04/2019 FI3991519; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Qntaika (F) 07/04/2019 FI3991219; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Qtamo (M) 07/04/2019 FI3991119; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Ranta-Aarre (F) 08/06/2020 FI4522920; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Rantahelmi (F) 08/06/2020 FI4522620; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Rantakeiju (F) 08/06/2020 FI4522820; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Rantakirppu (F) 08/06/2020 FI4522420; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Rantaleijona (M) 08/06/2020 FI4522320; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Rantaneito (F) 08/06/2020 FI4523020; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Rantapallo (F) 08/06/2020 FI4522520; Salt & Pepper
Luvimarin Rantavahti (F) 08/06/2020 FI4522720; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Leonora-Pepper (F) 08/20/2016 FI4619616; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Lillie-Pepper (F) 08/20/2016 FI4619716; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Lizzie-Pepper (F) 08/20/2016 FI4619816; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Reina-Pepper (F) 11/23/2008 FIN5969208; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Renato-Pepper (M) 11/23/2008 FIN5968808; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Rilke-Pepper (M) 11/23/2008 FIN5968908; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Ronaldo-Pepper (M) 11/23/2008 FIN5969008; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Rosso-Pepper (M) 11/23/2008 FIN5969108; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Ruby-Pepper (F) 11/23/2008 FIN5969308; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Gaby-Pepper (F) 03/09/2011 FI2320511; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Ugo-Pepper (M) 03/15/2013 FI2314813; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Ulf-Pepper (M) 03/15/2013 FI2314913; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Ultima-Pepper (F) 03/15/2013 SF1145991; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Ulzia-Pepper (F) 03/15/2013 FI2315113; Salt & Pepper
Super Play's Peter Pan (M) 07/16/2006 FIN4226106; Salt & Pepper
Super Play's Pinochio (M) 07/16/2006 FIN4226206; Salt & Pepper
Super Play's Pocahontas (F) 07/16/2006 FIN4226306; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Prince Charming (M) 01/15/2011 FI1683511; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Prince Cheerful (M) 01/15/2011 FI1683611; Salt & Pepper
FIN CH EST CH BRISKEN PRINCESS CELESTIAL (F) 01/15/2011 FI1683711; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Dee Arthur Koriander (M) 02/18/2014 FI2084214; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Dee Edward Koriander (M) 02/18/2014 FI2084014; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Dee Mark Koriander (M) 02/18/2014 FI2084114; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Eight Days A Week (M) 11/22/2016 FI1112017; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Especially For You (F) 11/22/2016 FI1112117; Salt & Pepper
FIN CH BRISKEN EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE (F) 11/22/2016 FI1112217; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Eye Of The Tiger (M) 11/22/2016 FI1111917; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Fantastic Fairytale (F) 01/04/2021 FI1492821; Salt & Pepper
Brisken Fantastic Feeling (M) 01/04/2021 FI1492721; Salt & Pepper