Reverse pedigree of:
Ihr The Party Crasher (M) 11/26/2002 RM37106901; Salt & Pepper Breeder: L Montague Owner: B Mathis & B J Mathis-Shockman |
Ihr Bingley Saint Edmunds (M) 05/20/2004 RN05429205; Salt & Pepper
Ihr Liberty Bell (F) 08/14/2005 RN09865202; Salt & Pepper
Ihr Mighty Miley Mae (F) 11/17/2012 RN24794503; Salt & Pepper
Ihr Mini Cooper (M) 12/04/2004 RN06725304; Black
Ihr Stetzel's Jasmine Daisy (F) 05/01/2006 RN11267705; Salt & Pepper
Ihrsamwise's Rosey Gamgee (F) 05/06/2004 RN05310203; Black
Miss Dixie Doo (F) 09/09/2010 RN21386706; Black
Bella Of The Silva Ball (F) 12/17/2012 RN24771302; Black & Silver
Tooties Party (F) 03/03/2010 RN20510401; Salt & Pepper