The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Reverse pedigree of:
Wilhellmiinan Vellmies-Juhani
(M) 08/13/2008
FIN5203608; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Ilma-Anna
(F) 08/10/2010
FI5387910; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Ilon-Pilleri
(F) 08/10/2010
FI5388010; Salt & Pepper
(F) 04/22/2013
FI4354313; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Intern-Etti
(F) 08/10/2010
FI5387810; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Eks-Pertti
(M) 01/08/2016
FI1591716; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Eks-Portti
(M) 01/08/2016
FI1591816; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Eks-Pressi
(M) 01/08/2016
FI1591916; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Eks-Tempore
(F) 01/08/2016
FI1592016; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Eks-Triimi
(F) 01/08/2016
FI1592116; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Kippari-Kalle
(M) 12/12/2016
FI1304817; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Kiusan-Kappale
(M) 12/12/2016
FI1305317; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Korpi-Soturi
(M) 12/12/2016
FI1304917; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Kukka-Kimppu
(F) 12/12/2016
FI1305217; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Kunkku-Kerroin
(M) 12/12/2016
FI1305017; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Kyla-Luuta
(F) 12/12/2016
FI1305117; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Nakke-Nakuttaja
(M) 07/10/2012
FI4621712; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Napa-Nayhta
(M) 07/10/2012
FI4621812; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Neli-Apila
(F) 07/10/2012
FI4621412; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Autum Color
(F) 08/04/2017
FI4939017; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's N Shakira Pepper
(F) 08/02/2019
FI4386819; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Nala Peppaar
(F) 08/02/2019
FI4387119; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Nan Peppar
(F) 08/02/2019
FI4386719; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Neo Peppar
(M) 08/02/2019
FI4386519; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Netta Peppar
(F) 08/02/2019
FI4386919; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Nimar Peppar
(F) 08/02/2019
FI4387019; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Hiroko-Pepper
(F) 07/09/2021
FI4523721; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Hiroyoshi-Pepper
(M) 07/09/2021
FI4523521; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Horigome-Pepper
(M) 07/09/2021
FI4523621; Salt & Pepper
Willy Lee Hoshiyo-Pepper
(F) 07/09/2021
FI4523821; Salt & Pepper
Peacemaker's Noah Peppar
(M) 08/02/2019
FI4386619; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Frozen Elsa
(F) 11/08/2015
FI1018616; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Happy Hobbit
(M) 11/08/2015
FI1018416; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Harry Potter
(M) 11/08/2015
FI1018316; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Lucky Charm
(M) 10/21/2014
FI5622114; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Lucky Kiss
(F) 10/21/2014
FI5622614; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Lucky Lady
(F) 10/21/2014
FI5622314; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam April
(F) 10/26/2020
FI5599620; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Aramis
(M) 04/30/2017
FI3284917; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Athos
(M) 04/30/2017
FI3285117; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Bug Boy
(M) 06/11/2018
FI3910518; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Corazon
(F) 09/14/2019
FI4912119; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Diamante
(F) 09/14/2019
FI4912319; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam June
(F) 10/26/2020
FI5599820; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Ladybird
(F) 06/11/2018
FI3910618; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Furry Pepper
(M) 06/27/2020
FI3914420; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Mini Pepper
(M) 06/27/2020
FI3914320; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Real Pepper
(M) 06/27/2020
FI3914220; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Max Goofy
(M) 10/26/2020
FI5599520; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam May
(F) 10/26/2020
FI5599720; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Mylady Winter
(F) 04/30/2017
FI3284817; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Pica
(M) 09/14/2019
FI4912419; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Porthos
(M) 04/30/2017
FI3285017; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Trebol
(M) 09/14/2019
FI4912219; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Lucky Love
(F) 10/21/2014
FI5622214; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Lucky Star
(F) 10/21/2014
FI5622414; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Lucky Tiny
(F) 10/21/2014
FI5622514; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Mary Poppins
(F) 11/08/2015
FI1018516; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Spring Wind
(F) 08/04/2017
FI4938917; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Caramia
(F) 10/04/2019
FI5114819; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Carinho
(M) 10/04/2019
FI5114219; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Casanova
(M) 10/04/2019
FI5114319; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Casper
(M) 10/04/2019
FI5114619; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Castro
(M) 10/04/2019
FI5114519; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Cherie
(F) 10/04/2019
FI5114719; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Costo
(M) 10/04/2019
FI5114419; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Summer Sunshine
(F) 08/04/2017
FI4939117; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Winnie The Pooh
(M) 11/08/2015
FI1018216; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Winter Frost
(M) 08/04/2017
FI4938817; Salt & Pepper
Giyanakam Winter Snowfall
(M) 08/04/2017
FI4938717; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Noita-Nokinena
(F) 07/10/2012
FI4621512; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Cilma-Tiggu
(F) 10/14/2015
FI5518015; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Cyli-Gummi
(F) 10/14/2015
FI5518115; Salt & Pepper
Kirifix Limited Edition
(F) 04/25/2018
FI2985218; Salt & Pepper
Kirifix Little Story
(F) 04/25/2018
FI2985118; Salt & Pepper
Kirifix Local Hero
(M) 04/25/2018
FI2984918; Salt & Pepper
Kirifix Look Out
(M) 04/25/2018
FI2985018; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Ulko-Pekka
(M) 04/02/2019
FI2568619; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Unelma-Saleikko
(F) 04/02/2019
FI2568719; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Uuno-Turhapuro
(M) 04/02/2019
FI2568519; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Nuuska-Muikkunen
(F) 07/10/2012
FI4621612; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Rapatti-Rastas
(F) 09/14/2014
FI5076814; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Rasa-Willi
(F) 09/14/2014
FI5076314; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Rauta-Rouwa
(F) 09/14/2014
FI5076714; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Roswo-Roope
(M) 09/14/2014
FI5076214; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Ruudin-Keksija
(F) 09/14/2014
FI5076614; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Ruutu-Akka
(F) 09/14/2014
FI5076514; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Ryonasen-Ryplakka
(F) 09/14/2014
FI5076414; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Qulta-Kathiina
(F) 06/29/2018
FI4061818; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Quuma-Kalle 1
(M) 06/29/2018
FI4061618; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Quuta-Molla
(F) 06/29/2018
FI4061718; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Aga-Bussi
(M) 07/21/2020
FI4301120; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Angga-Rangga
(F) 07/21/2020
FI4301220; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Arri-Burri
(M) 07/21/2020
FI4301020; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Quuu-Luisa
(F) 06/29/2018
FI4061918; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Taka-Piru
(M) 06/18/2013
FI4414313; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Tele-Tappi
(M) 06/18/2013
FI4414413; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Toiwon-Kipina
(M) 06/18/2013
FI4414213; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Tonttu-Ukko
(M) 06/18/2013
FI4414113; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Tulitikku-Tytto
(F) 06/18/2013
FI4414713; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Tupen-Rapinat
(M) 06/18/2013
FI4414513; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Turkin-Pippuri
(M) 06/18/2013
FI4414613; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Inton-Mieli
(M) 08/10/2010
FI5387710; Salt & Pepper
Wilhellmiinan Irti-Otto
(M) 08/10/2010
FI5387610; Salt & Pepper