Reverse pedigree of:
FIN CH EST CH EST JCH EEJW-15 WILLKEN KAIMAN (M) 02/16/2014 FI2214414; Salt & Pepper |
Backout's King Of The Night (M) 12/05/2016 FI3381816; Salt & Pepper
Backout's Knight Of The Night (M) 12/05/2016 FI3381916; Salt & Pepper
Juliuksen Darlafina (F) 10/30/2015 FI5466715; Salt & Pepper
Juliuksen Daymion (M) 10/30/2015 FI5466415; Salt & Pepper
Juliuksen Devonte (M) 10/30/2015 FI5466515; Salt & Pepper
Juliuksen Dorafina (F) 10/30/2015 FI5466615; Salt & Pepper
Nouzer's Yes Sir (M) 06/28/2016 FI4042616; Salt & Pepper
Nouzer's You're My Man (M) 06/28/2016 FI4042816; Salt & Pepper
Nouzer's Yours Truley (M) 06/28/2016 FI4042716; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Syysmyrsky (M) 09/07/2018 FI4822318; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Syysruska (M) 09/07/2018 FI4822418; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Syyssade (M) 09/07/2018 FI4822518; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Syystaika (F) 09/07/2018 FI4822718; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Syystuuli (M) 09/07/2018 FI4822618; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Syysunelma (F) 09/07/2018 FI4822818; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Calamatkustaja (M) 07/21/2021 FI4690021; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Calarakas (M) 07/21/2021 FI4690121; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Cipinamikko (M) 07/21/2021 FI4690221; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Codinonni (M) 07/21/2021 FI4690321; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Cucculuuruu (F) 07/21/2021 EJ4690421; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Cuccurucuu (F) 07/21/2021 EJ4690521; Salt & Pepper
Rantakaupin Cuklaacydan (F) 07/21/2021 FI4690621; Salt & Pepper