Reverse pedigree of:
H And L Jewel's Elegance (F) ; Salt & Pepper Breeder: Helen England Owner: Helen England |
Five-R-Peppie (F) ;
Kandy Kane Kramer (F) 02/22/1967 R560937; Salt & Pepper
Kotton Kandy Kramer (F) ;
Five-R-Robbin Kit (F) ;
Skeeta Bobbin (F) 05/04/1977 RA375609; Silver & Grey
Ponosas Holly (F) ;
H And L Jewel's Ethel () ; Salt & Pepper
H And L Jewel's Lucy () ; Salt & Pepper
H And L Jewel's Ricky Gomer () ; Salt & Pepper
H And L Little Preshious () ; Salt & Pepper