Reverse pedigree of:
Pagar's Mr Million (M) ; Salt & Pepper |
San-Bar's Mr Troubles (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Alexander Of Prairie Creek (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Dame Gretchen Der Liebchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady M Doorn (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Blueberry Muffin Of Minnaqua (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Minnaqua's Sugar Bon Bon (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Anderson's Heidi Ho (F) ;
J And S's Dynamic Heidi Too (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jerry O's Lucky Penny (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mississauga Scott (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jerry O's Disco Drums () ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH CAN CH JERRY O'S SOUND OF MUSIC (F) 04/26/1978 RA454224; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Bred'N Butter () ; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Hot Shot (F) 11/29/1980 RA647970; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Java Jive (F) 11/29/1980 RA636259; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Mister Chairman (M) 11/29/1980 RA636311; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Razzmatazz () ; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Sadie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Surely (F) 10/02/1981 RA725367; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Trusty Lil' Maid (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Legendary's Waldo Pepper CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Patrika Von Homburg (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Chelsea Von Homburg (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Chelsea Little Skyrocket (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Chelsea Sadie Von Homburg (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Wilhelm Von Raaum () ;
Carmichael (M) R350110; Salt & Pepper
C And R Captain Kelly (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Diana II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Alux Kisin (Paredes) (M) 09/19/2017 RN32371101; Salt & Pepper
D' Angelo's Teagin CGCU (F) 03/26/2019 RN33453304; Black & Silver
D' Angelo's- Heagerty Irish Laddie'S Dooley (M) 04/17/2019 RN33453402; Black
Dame Sonja Von Leer CDX (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Clarenson's Peppy (M) R452487; Salt & Pepper
Clarenson's Hans (M) R654786; Salt & Pepper
Brets Little Whiskey (M) 05/24/1969 R764294; Salt & Pepper
Amanda Chalet Fritzie Boy (M) 04/19/1970 R842352; Salt & Pepper
Kurt Von Hoffmeister (M) 07/28/1971 R916047; Salt & Pepper
Powell's Jeseka (F) 04/09/1974 RA17346; Salt & Pepper
Powell's Von Salrna (F) 04/09/1974 RA173469; Salt & Pepper
Soo Big's Von Skipper (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Eckman's Heidi Von Shane (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herr Schultz V (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Prudence Gladewater (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gregton's Sweet Talk (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gregton's Grumpy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Khil Heidi's Pepper CD (F) 05/16/1971 R918456; Salt & Pepper
Khil Jeri (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herr Schultz V (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Prudence Gladewater (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gregton's Sweet Talk (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Peats Creek Jake (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Woerner's Happy Jack (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Burnham's Maximilian CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Molly's Hilda (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Burnham's Maximilian CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Richter's Pepper Sam (M) 04/05/1968 R671711; Salt & Pepper
Liisa Sioux (F) 08/03/1969 R722377; Salt & Pepper
J-Dic's Hello Dolly (F) 12/25/1970 RA037501; Salt & Pepper
Peterson's Misty Girl (F) 12/17/1974 RA226590; Salt & Pepper
Termis Of West Phalen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Snitzer Von West Phalen CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Tuffy's Silver Dollar CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Dolde Von Gengl-Aire (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Inie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Freeman's Annie Marie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Holland's Willie Wilhelm (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Wilhelm Little Susie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hawes' Pennette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady B Hawes Of Earldon (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH CAN CH ITA CH BARON OF EARLDON CD (M) 11/20/1965 ; Salt & Pepper
Teena Of Earldon (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Tamette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mistress Mitzi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herr Syncopation (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Molly's Fraulein Grindl CDX (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Von Thurber (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Frosty The Great (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Schatzie Of Tirbor (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Poopsie II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pacer Of Four-Seasons (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Inie Thurber (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kuhn's Miss Sena (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sundown Cry Baby (F) ; Salt & Pepper
May-Bells Whiskey A-Go-Go (F) R450235; Salt & Pepper
Kel-Go-Go's Karen (F) 03/17/1970 R863439; Salt & Pepper
AM CH VAL-KAM'S MISS BECKY (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Miss Heidi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Frisky Scamp (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Chris' Nietszche CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Griff's Sheri (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Daisy May Of Jed's House (F) R414471; Salt & Pepper
K & K's Julie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jody's Boy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Snookie Girl (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mr Great Adventure (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Butchie Boy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Bonaventure (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hedi's Susan (F) 12/15/1961 R307956; Salt & Pepper
Clarenson's Peppy (M) R452487; Salt & Pepper
Clarenson's Hans (M) R654786; Salt & Pepper
Lulu Belle III (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Khil Jeri (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Peats Creek Jake (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Richter's Pepper Sam (M) 04/05/1968 R671711; Salt & Pepper
Miss Hedi's Tammy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bingo II (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Glad-Rol Bingo Tina (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hedi Patsy De Wayne (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Khil Patsy's Heidi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Newell's Penny (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Newell's Taffy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kuhn's Captain Teddy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Joy's Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Peter Boy Flentie (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Pepper Browning (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Baroness Von Spicer Masie Lee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Fancy Caper Of Gengl-Aire (F) R250321; Salt & Pepper
Baby Doll Alane (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jolly Jay Hawk (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Nick O'Pepper (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Alosia Johanna Yoppy CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lucky Star Miss Pepper (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Nancy's Girl (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Madam Honey's Best Yet (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Peek O' Pepper (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Nick O'Pepper (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Alosia Johanna Yoppy CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Fancy Heidi Sue (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lucky Star Fancy Heather (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bethune's Fancy Lobo (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Samson VI CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Lucky Star Fancy Patti (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bil-Mar Lucky Buttons (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ly-Ma Amanda Krisbon (F) ; Salt & Pepper
John's Torero (M) R314826; Salt & Pepper
Ilse Katrina (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Davey's Katrina (F) R512638; Salt & Pepper
Klinken Of Kickapoo Land (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sir Knight's Katrina Jo (F) R647422; Salt & Pepper
Katrina Torero Klingensmith (F) ; Black
Sacra's Fraulein Gretchen (F) R640131; Salt & Pepper
Barclay Square Gretel (F) 11/19/1969 R761731; Salt & Pepper
Schnapps Von Ockerman (M) 01/02/1973 RA026213; Salt & Pepper
Van Cleef's Mr Echo (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Harrell's Sugar 'N Spice UD () ; Salt & Pepper
Kaiser Wilhelm's Schnapps CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Black Baron Von Romaire CD () ; Black
Schnapps Liebshen V Lonan CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Steve's Mac A CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Majorette Pepper (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ginger's Pep (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bubbles Atomic (F) R431917; Salt & Pepper
Kerwal's Kristina (F) 07/22/1972 RA116756; Salt & Pepper
Samantha Renne (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Do Bo Tri's Little Buckaroo (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Destiny (F) ; Black
Louise's Fraulein Gretel (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lucy's Little Bitty Gretel (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pflugs Taddy Boy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Gretchen Silver Charm (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Tim Silver Charm (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Smith's Silver Jake (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Kristina Pepperette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Peats Creek Sue (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Baron Cole CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Twiggy The Coffer CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Prince's Big Change (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Peppy's Hope (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Peppy's Schatz Liebchen CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Reaves' Boswell CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Mrs Million (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Smoky Million (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mein Kleina Schatzile (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rosy Pepperette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Midge's Fancy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Fancy Smoky Midge (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Midge's Fancy Lady (F) ; Salt & Pepper
King's Rosie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kings Ella (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Annie's Bingo CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Knight's Mr Spock (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Ginger Kuchen Of Bomar (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Williams Countess Peggy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Countess Gretchen Von Martel (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Buttons Of Gengl-Aire (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dark Victoria Of Glencaire (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dutch Von Bach (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Dark John (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Doll's Dream Of Suska (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Show Girl Of Gengl-Aire (F) R268454; Salt & Pepper
Burgomeister's Of Gengl-Aire (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Burgomeister's Muffin (F) 03/19/1963 ; Salt & Pepper
Acadian's Jolli Jodi CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bryant's Duchess Gengl-Aire (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Countess D'Amour II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bryant's Duchess Gengl-Belle () ; Salt & Pepper
Milly (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Burton's Vicki (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Cricket Of Williamsburg (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Stager's Flek Der Lieht CD (F) R534021; Salt & Pepper
Blockley Majestic Moment () ;
AM CH BLOCKLEY MISCHIEVOUS IMP (F) 12/12/1969 ; Salt & Pepper
Flora Of J-T Farm (F) R483868; Salt & Pepper
Rot Sa Ruk (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mac's Beloved Dodie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hans Von Grogan (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Fritz Kans Himmel Ford (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Pepper Of Saddler's Kathe (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Saddler's Rag Doll (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mark's Son Of J-T Farms (M) R408708; Salt & Pepper
Mark Six Of J-T Farm (M) 08/27/1966 R542588; Salt & Pepper
Nora Lee Of J-T Farm (F) ;
Aloner Of J-T Farm (M) ;
AM CH CARNEAL'S BE NICE () ; Salt & Pepper
Raffles Of Long-Worth (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Victoria Suzanne (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Von Der Doss' Major (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Lasker's Tam O'Shanter II (F) R333943; Salt & Pepper
Sackett's Candy Queen (F) 12/04/1962 R370921; Salt & Pepper
Howard's Silver Fritz (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Jenny Pink (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Misty Avery CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kathryn's Hans (M) 03/26/1964 R388133; Salt & Pepper
Letaba's Bessie Lyn (F) 04/06/1969 R712906; Salt & Pepper
Herr Schoutzi (M) ; Salt & Pepper
O'Shea's Patricia (F) 04/08/1969 R726803; Salt & Pepper
Oscar Of Da-Lin (M) 10/31/1976 RA442344; Salt & Pepper
Renfro's Jannie Babe (F) 05/25/1966 R522028; Salt & Pepper
D Renfro's Jody (F) 01/17/1969 R697410; Salt & Pepper
Charlie May Evans (F) 04/01/1973 RA092746; Salt & Pepper
Marion's Melinda (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hope My Valentine (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kipling Ray (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Keljen's Troy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Evi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kan-Do Von Talge () ;
Von Gilbert Neubauer (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Baron Manfred Von Richtoffen (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Ingerid Von Neubauer (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sallyann Shaw (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Schotzi Of Echo Hill CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Gretchen Von Huetter (F) 02/08/1966 R516996; Salt & Pepper
Gretchen's Firecracker (F) 03/15/1969 R679244; Salt & Pepper
Jadee's Wild Flower (F) 06/19/1974 R165162; Salt & Pepper
Michael Von Schnipful (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Buttons Von Schmit (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Fayard's Von Michelob CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Molly Of Gengl-Aire (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Muffin VIII (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Elizabeth (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Abbie Mea (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Julie Marie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lisa's Jellybean (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jellybean's Missy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herr Heinekins (M) ; Black
Burkhart's Lulu Mae (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Waldo Sprite (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Ebeineezer (M) ; Black & Silver
Jacobson's Mary Lou (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Schatzie () ; Salt & Pepper
Priscilla Of Gengl-Aire CD (F) 08/01/1958 R219527; Salt & Pepper
Berry Boy Of Briarpatch (M) 04/21/1960 R332593; Salt & Pepper
Bradfield's Lisa Lee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kipper's Keno Delight (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Poco Von Armsdorff Cohen CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
Bunk's Kurt (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Holly's Plickadillie (F) R486616; Salt & Pepper
Brets Little Whiskey (M) 05/24/1969 R764294; Salt & Pepper
Fancy's Berry Boy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Elmer's Tiny Tuffy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Skurka's Lovable Girl Heidi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gerimiah (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Angels' Pride (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Katherine Von Bora () ; Salt & Pepper
Heide Of Lanier (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kimberlyn's Bitta Long-Worth () ;
Kimberlyn's Sea Witched CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
Mason's Delight (F) ;
Blakley's Eda-Than (F) ;
KJ's Tuff Luck (F) ;
Oleta's Schon Fraulein (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Shasta Of Old Willets (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mr Smoke Thorn Of Naco CDX (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Sportman's Delight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Playboy Of Pilot Grove (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Pilot Grove's Zippy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rockdale's Little Doje (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Winnike's Delight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mason's Delight (F) ;
Pilot Grove's Zippy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Brenda Of Briarpatch (F) R325023; Salt & Pepper
Little Miss Of Mt View (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Clover Lucky Of Briarpatch CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Citation Von Ludenschied (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Merri Mel-O-Dee (F) 12/14/1967 R675321; Salt & Pepper
Dee Rock Little Pebbles UD () ; Salt & Pepper
Dee-Rock Fat Boy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Dee-Rock Orego-Stone () ; Salt & Pepper
Gustav XVII (M) 01/03/1997 RA11319; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Magic Marker (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Rommel's Magic Marker (M) ; Black & Silver
Merri Mel-O-Dee (F) 12/14/1967 R675321; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Magic Marker (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Sassie Lassie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Wind Song (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Angela Of Anastasia (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Sassie Lassie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Windy Hills Hi-Hope (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Windy Hills Hi-Lite (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Wind Song (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Easter Bunny Of Briarpatch (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH MARPOST'S BREAD AND BUTTER (M) 09/17/1963 ; Salt & Pepper
Tina Lee Of Gengl-Aire CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH DAN'L OF BRIARPATCH (M) 04/27/1962 R325022; Salt & Pepper
Little Miss Of Mt View (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Clover Lucky Of Briarpatch CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Merri Mel-O-Dee (F) 12/14/1967 R675321; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Magic Marker (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Sassie Lassie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rascalawag's Wind Song (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH MARPOST'S BREAD AND BUTTER (M) 09/17/1963 ; Salt & Pepper
Blakeley's Dan'L Junior (M) 03/14/1964 R404202; Salt & Pepper
Renfro's Jannie Babe (F) 05/25/1966 R522028; Salt & Pepper
Baker's Miz Happy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hansel Von Muffin Of Balton (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Jeffrey's Sugar Plum (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jellybean's Missy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Johanji's Miss Tiger Rag (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Blakeley's Frosty (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Kuehl's Silver (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Brisbin's Honey Frost (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Josafene's Mr Go Go (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Cricket Of Briarpatch (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Amsel Von Crickdan (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Elliott's Fancy Dan (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Dandy Dan'l Of Meadow Lane (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Dandy Danl's Silver Mist CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Greta The Great (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pepper Roni VII CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gretel Of Robe House (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bismarck's Mein Junge (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Kugle's Mindy Lee Jet (F) ; Black
General Von Stomper (M) 05/01/1969 R722731; Salt & Pepper
Kuiken's King Of Hifh Life (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Krystle's High Life (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pandora's Hi Expectations (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lu-Kirk's Fancy Hi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Patterson's Denise (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Crackenberger's Nessie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Anastasia Of Heidi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Angela Of Anastasia (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Schenk's Grindal (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Wendy Of Gengl-Aire (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Burgomeister's Muffin (F) 03/19/1963 ; Salt & Pepper
Acadian's Jolli Jodi CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Smilin' Sam CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Rosie's Moonglow (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH TRIDENT'S SEA MIST (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Trident's Irish Mist () ;
Trident's Scotch Mist () ;
Trident's Seascape (M) ;
Vance's Little Cinderella (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jezebel Marlene (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Snapshot (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Heidi IX (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mein Herr Fritzen Schnappen CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Weber's Mr Bounce (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Carlson's Tina Marie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Chester's Rufus (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Richard's Sir Winston (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Kaychucks April (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Peaches N' Cream (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Snippy Nauzer (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Reba's Sparkle Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH REBA'S BARBIE DOLL (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Von Ruffels (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Eckman's Heidi Von Shane (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Schnozzel CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Twidale's Peewee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Anderson's First Lady (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Waldo Second-Million (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Williams Countess Peggy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Young's Miss Pepper (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Willie J Lump (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Taryns Raggedy Ann (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Monica Miles (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dempsey's Little Cinder Blox (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Blanche's Silver Button (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Dot's Mis Behavin (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gretchen's Tiny Dutchess (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Blakeley's Tinka Belle (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herndon's Tiny (F) ; Salt & Pepper
C And R Rosetta (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss T-Bone Von Groganville (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Paxton's Little Penny (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Reed Mildred (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sproul's Countess Christina (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Staton's Kinky KKK (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herndon's Vicky (F) R261735; Salt & Pepper
Michaelle Vicky (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pamper Blackney II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pinocchio Johnny (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Sir Edward Pepper (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Stewart's Kismet (F) ; Grey
Tricky Lou Blackney (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Trudy Lee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Matilda Of Cherokee Place (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Friskie Mister Andrew (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Fannie's Cinder Sue (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Snippy Nauzer (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Reba's Sparkle Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH REBA'S BARBIE DOLL (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Higgins Salty Cinders (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Josie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hit Parades Cindy Cinders (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Crestview Queen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hit Parades Candy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
K K Erika Von Bowsprit-Cinders (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Prince Pepper Of Dakota CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Sharon's Little Cindy Lou (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sissy Belle (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sir Smoke E Stover (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Gretchen Aire Of Silver Crest (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jina-La-Ree Of Silver Crest (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Little Miss Penalope (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Smucker's Salty Imp (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Cinder Sue Smucker (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herk-Von-Carlo () ; Salt & Pepper
Walters' Little Schnkel Fritz (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Williamson's Miss Sassy Lassy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jonaire Ltlah Lynn (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Victor Angela Lynn CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Jonaire Lyhah Lynn (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Zu Zoo (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Smith's Kristina (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Casper II (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Parks Queen Of Sheba (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Fern's Prancing Pamper (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Heidi Von Wunsiedel (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mishawaka's Frau Lisa (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Little Mr Lincoln (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Juno Princelys Duke (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Phoebe K Of Lisa (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gidget Of Vances (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Misty Of Arleens (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Kinalyn Of Harrels (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Holtmann's Allegretto (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Poco-O-Poco Of Lakewood UD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Poco's Sassy Girl CDX (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Shar-Bo's Funny Face CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Misty's Mr Mischief Of Haldeen CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Schotttzy Of Arleens () ; Salt & Pepper