Reverse pedigree of:
AM CH PHIL-MAR MISTER JOHN (M) ; Salt & Pepper |
Abingdon Top Billing () ; Salt & Pepper
Bellochanty Silver Belle (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bellochanty Twinkle Toes (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lucky Coyne CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jimney Of Lucky Coyne CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Paulson's Gay Lady (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mor Bett's Gay Missy (F) 03/02/1958 R208631; Salt & Pepper
Lux Of The Harbor (M) 03/27/1961 R291020; Silver & Grey
Timberland Cindy (F) 03/18/1963 R349891; Salt & Pepper
Mr Monkey Business CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Schnapps II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Haydenhill's Cleopatra (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Landmark's Lime Lite (F) 11/10/1966 R528327; Salt & Pepper
Maroch's On Stage (F) 08/03/1972 RA015199; Salt & Pepper
Maroch's Curtain Call (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH MAROCH'S STANDING OVATION (F) 11/23/1973 ; Salt & Pepper
Palmyra's Penny Jon (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Pebbles Poker Chip CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Tracy's Dutchess Delite CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Palmyra's Peridot (F) 08/06/1971 R918593; Salt & Pepper
AM CH BLYTHEWOOD PALMYRA I'M AMY (F) 11/15/1973 RA120267; Salt & Pepper
AM CH BLYTHEWOOD PALMYRA I'M PIXIE () 11/15/1973 RA144802; Salt & Pepper
Blythewood Palmyra Revere () ; Salt & Pepper
Blythewood Palmyra Von Riga () ; Salt & Pepper
Reflections Jolly Image (F) 05/20/1973 RA064058; Salt & Pepper
AM CH REFLECTIONS WINNING IMAGE (F) 05/20/1973 RA064056; Salt & Pepper
Haydenhill's Henry Webster CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Bridgette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Suzie Of Fancher (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jimarlo's Tamrack (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Ginna's Top Man (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Ginna's Bridgett (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Baron Fritz Hollendorf (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Ginna's Sweet Dream (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jimarlo's Atala () ;
Smokey Lissa's Kisha (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Spritka's Shared () ; Salt & Pepper
Spritka's Silver And Satin (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Oak Lane's Great Expectation (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Spritka's Simplicity (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rockaplenty's June In January (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rockaplenty's Peter Pan (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Snoppy Of Glen-Sed (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Scumps Of Glen-Sed CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bardic Lane Sarah (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Cal-Shur's Most Happy Fellow (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Maggie Jo's Duncan Delight (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Maggie Jo's Mona (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Nesburg's Miss Daisy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ingle's Miss Hiedi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mardale Mimsi () ;
Puddles Miss Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Maggie's Lilly Ann (F) 09/14/2010 RN21366806; Salt & Pepper
Nesburg's Miss Daisy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ingle's Miss Hiedi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mardale Mimsi () ;
Puddles Miss Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mr MaGraw Of Sunnyside CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Peglow's Susan (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Maggie Jo's Duncan Delight (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Maggie Jo's Mona (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Nesburg's Miss Daisy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ingle's Miss Hiedi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Maggie's Lilly Ann (F) 09/14/2010 RN21366806; Salt & Pepper
Nesburg's Miss Daisy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ingle's Miss Hiedi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mardale Mimsi () ;
Puddles Miss Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Regard's Gee Gee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Regard's Eisenbart (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Silver Star Of Sauk (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Davmar's Katrina CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Regard's Liebchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Schatze Queenbee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dotty Twin Of Sauk (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Falls Whiskers CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Joey Saint Of Sauk (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Maggie Jo's Silver Star (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Maggie Jo's Mona (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kanza Mr Whiskers (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Mr Mcgillicuddy III CDX (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Peppi Schein (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Milestone's Macaroon (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Milestone's Morgen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Silver Star Of Sauk (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Davmar's Katrina CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Cal-Shur's My Fair Lady (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Doman Johann Sebastion CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
Center Ridge Susie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gold O' Villa Black Annabelle (F) ; Black
Boots San Yen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Cedar Haven's Blitz (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gartzke's Handy Andy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Gartzke's Schultzie CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Cedar Haven's Hope (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lynn (F) R412488; Salt & Pepper
Bob Sport (M) 05/31/1968 R619738; Salt & Pepper
Corky XI CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
Road's End Otto Von Hensel (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Cedar Heven's Jinx (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Smith's Mighty Hercules (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady Bug XI CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Candy San Yen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Tina Mia III (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hillside's Schnitzel (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Gertie Of Wescosville (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gold O' Villa Black Fifi CDX () ; Black
Gold O' Villa Orlando CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Shinkle's Nicki (M) ; Black
Linman's Dumplin (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Kelly's Lady Mitzi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Baron Spitfire CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Dansel Moonglitter Silverette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dansel Schatze (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kelly's Say Hey (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kushner's Schnappsie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mein Fritz Von Phimirist (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Pfefferling Von Karmikmag (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mein Schatze Of Shiawassee (F) ; Black & Silver
La Belle Cinderella CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Torchy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dansel Tiger Of Pixies (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Little Missy Of Doma CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Green Acres Mrs John-L (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Fancy Dancer Of Green Acres (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Silver Lady Of Green Acres (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Amorous Amy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Van Acker's Von Snuf (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Anna Belle Lee III (F) 01/24/1972 R938673; Salt & Pepper
Ozell's Misty Sea (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Green Acres Little John (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Amorous Amy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Van Acker's Von Snuf (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Anna Belle Lee III (F) 01/24/1972 R938673; Salt & Pepper
Haphazard Harry CDX (M) 07/09/1975 RA239131; Black & Silver
Ozell's Misty Sea (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mr John's Lady (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bri-Lyn's Mellow Dawn (F) ; Salt & Pepper
McGrath's Sprig UD () ; Salt & Pepper
Nikki Of Pepperville (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Suzie Of Fancher (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jimarlo's Tamrack (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Ginna's Top Man (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Ginna's Bridgett (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Baron Fritz Hollendorf (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Ginna's Sweet Dream (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jimarlo's Atala () ;
Smokey Lissa's Kisha (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Spritka's Shared () ; Salt & Pepper
Spritka's Silver And Satin (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Oak Lane's Great Expectation (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Spritka's Simplicity (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rockaplenty's June In January (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rockaplenty's Peter Pan (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Snoppy Of Glen-Sed (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Scumps Of Glen-Sed CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bardic Lane Sarah (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Miss Cherri (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Mr Jim (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Triebie's Gay Gale (F) R264686; Salt & Pepper
Susanne Lou () ; Salt & Pepper
Tree Bee's Gay Ginger Gale (F) R311586; Salt & Pepper
Willey's Delite (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Meyer's Schatzee Katrina (F) 10/14/1971 R937245; Salt & Pepper
Claytown's Heidi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ro-John's Helga (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gilbert's Von Snover (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Klaus Von Snover CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
G Silver Slipper Hilight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Keller's Katrena (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Brown's Tiffany Silver CD (M) ;
Klein Schwarz Madchen UD (F) R445293; Black
Bevington's Lady Samantha (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Frosted Black Sambo (M) ; Black
Hi-Lo's Tara (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Black Cinder Of Tim-Nan-K (F) 11/17/1972 RA098502; Black
Da-Ar's Black Satin Sophie (F) 06/19/1975 RA236511; Black
Daar's Sanuita's Apache Maiden (F) 07/30/1977 RA401180; Black & Silver
Madchen Chin Whiskers CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Stardust (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Hawkins' Bahama Moma (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Massey's Blue Mist (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Donner's Little Butch CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Hagoma's Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Donner's Little Butch CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Donner's Happy Ho Beau CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Jimmy's Gee Gee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lisa Anne CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Jimmy's Jo-Jo (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Joy II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Cape Coral's Schatzi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Munter Klein Furstin UD () ; Salt & Pepper
Ponyland's Zsa Zsa (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Thunderland Drummer (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Pfeffer IV () ; Salt & Pepper
Bratton Mister Wiz CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Lighting's Sting Ray (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Mister S (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Mistress Mitzi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Concho Diamond Chip (M) 06/30/1963 R363424; Salt & Pepper
Lynn's Regal Rolf (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Lightning Robby (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Holroyds Pepper (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Blossom Of Gunsmoke (F) ; Black
Fritz Der Teufel Selbst (M) ; Black
Lighty's Hessy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lighting's Sting Ray (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Mister S (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Mistress Mitzi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Poco's Ann (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kutchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Wright-Way's Showman (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Shinkle's Hilda (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Poco's Beauty (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Charlie's Mickey (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Honey Of Merry Dawn (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Soangetaha's Merry Dawn () ; Salt & Pepper
GeBe's Spicee Heide (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sunny Slopes Gee Bee CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Stumbo's Tinker Dee (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Iskra's Paint Brushes (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Brush 'N Palette (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Missy's Toto (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Poco's Jeanette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dee-Tee's Little Whitefoot (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dee-Tee's Mater Print () ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH CAN CH DEE-TEE'S MISS E (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dee-Tee's Mister Special () ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH DEE-TEE'S SIR OLIVER (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Poco's Twilight Lady (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pepper Ulrey (F) ; Salt & Pepper
One Stormy Knight CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Poco's Angie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Angela CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Schottsie II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Polly Pride Of Belmont (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herr Albert Of Stanford (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Herr Albert Simon Korb (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Ponyland's Thunder (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Bo-Jan's Karen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Little Smokey-Jo (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Crissy CDX (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Honey Of Merry Dawn (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Soangetaha's Merry Dawn () ; Salt & Pepper
Joy II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Cape Coral's Schatzi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Munter Klein Furstin UD () ; Salt & Pepper
Juliet UD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Thunderland Drummer (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Pfeffer IV () ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH VAL-KAM'S RICOCHET (M) R158442; Salt & Pepper
Hillyard's Mein Schatz CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Martha's Kristall CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
Matilda Of Cherokee Place (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Friskie Mister Andrew (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Heidi Appyho (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jone's Kelley Of Saar CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Inie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Freeman's Annie Marie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Holland's Willie Wilhelm (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Wilhelm Little Susie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Destiny's Yappy Happyface CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Hawes' Pennette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lady B Hawes Of Earldon (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH CAN CH ITA CH BARON OF EARLDON CD (M) 11/20/1965 ; Salt & Pepper
Bazo's Gemma Of Baxter (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Teena Of Earldon (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Fraulein Schnapps VI (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Heidi Stephen Schuetz (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Tamette (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mistress Mitzi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Concho Diamond Chip (M) 06/30/1963 R363424; Salt & Pepper
Lynn's Regal Rolf (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Herr Syncopation (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Molly's Fraulein Grindl CDX (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Von Thurber (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Frosty The Great (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Schatzie Of Tirbor (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Taurus Of Tirbor CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Poopsie II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pacer Of Four-Seasons (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pookie Von Boo Boo CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Inie Thurber (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kuhn's Miss Sena (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sundown Cry Baby (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lord Grayson Of Brentwood CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
May-Bells Whiskey A-Go-Go (F) R450235; Salt & Pepper
Kel-Go-Go's Karen (F) 03/17/1970 R863439; Salt & Pepper
Chancellor Rentzel Kelbrig (M) 12/18/1973 RA104388; Salt & Pepper
Dresden August CD (M) 12/18/1973 RA114968; Salt & Pepper
Fredrick XIV (M) 06/06/1971 R997850; Salt & Pepper
AM CH VAL-KAM'S MISS BECKY (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Miss Heidi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Frisky Scamp (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Chris' Nietszche CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Griff's Sheri (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Daisy May Of Jed's House (F) R414471; Salt & Pepper
K & K's Julie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Beck's Eric Von Rebel (M) 05/07/1967 R700478; Salt & Pepper
Jody's Boy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Snookie Girl (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Flare (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mr Great Adventure (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Butchie Boy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Gheisha Girl (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lucy II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Shorty Boy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Bonaventure (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Weber's Terri Marie CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hedi's Susan (F) 12/15/1961 R307956; Salt & Pepper
Clarenson's Peppy (M) R452487; Salt & Pepper
Clarenson's Hans (M) R654786; Salt & Pepper
Brets Little Whiskey (M) 05/24/1969 R764294; Salt & Pepper
Kurt Von Hoffmeister (M) 07/28/1971 R916047; Salt & Pepper
Soo Big's Von Skipper (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Lulu Belle III (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Khil Jeri (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Herr Schultz V (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Peats Creek Jake (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Woerner's Happy Jack (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Richter's Pepper Sam (M) 04/05/1968 R671711; Salt & Pepper
Liisa Sioux (F) 08/03/1969 R722377; Salt & Pepper
Miss Hedi's Tammy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bingo II (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Glad-Rol Bingo Tina (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Glad-Rol Prince Daisy-Mae (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hedi Patsy De Wayne (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Khil Patsy's Heidi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Newell's Penny (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Adams Little Joe (M) 02/07/1965 R425456; Salt & Pepper
Newell's Taffy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Bridgett () ; Salt & Pepper
Kuhn's Captain Teddy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Joy's Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kuhn's Miss Shirley (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Peter Boy Flentie (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Pepper Browning (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Baroness Von Spicer Masie Lee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sherry's Blues CD () ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH VAL-KAM'S TOMMY (M) R220694; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Gypsy Dream Girl (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's June (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Adams Gogie (F) 12/31/1969 R425461; Salt & Pepper
Drace's Suzie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Adams Pam (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Adams Daisy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Adams Dixie (F) 11/05/1966 R526134; Salt & Pepper
Chet's Gypsy Girl (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Wing Commander (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Dollie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
King Edward (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Gertie II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Miss Misty Avery CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Holly (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Cheyannie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gaidor's Prince Of Tara CD (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Heidi () ; Salt & Pepper
Rainbow's Maude (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jacobson's Mary Lou (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rustic's Silver Cheri () ; Salt & Pepper
Reynolds' Dandy Duke (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Boulder Joney (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Alosia Johanna Yoppy CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Reynolds' Mister D Major (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Gretchen Of Kiak Wood (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Phoebus Major Guthans CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
Soo Big's Misty Ann (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Zola's Gretchen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
AM CH VAL-KAM'S FANCY DAN (M) R261398; Salt & Pepper
Terboles' Scheherazade (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Terboles' Jaunty Jill (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Brule Creek's Bright Tessle (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Bonnie True Love (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pfeffer Von Pete CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Buddy Mitchell (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Susie Schnauzer Von Den Wald CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Claytown's Queen Bee (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Four Miles Black Nugget (F) 07/24/1966 R509835; Black
Four Miles A Boy Named Sue (M) ; Black
Four Miles Smokey Rebel (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Nuggets Black Ha'Penny CD () ; Black
Trampus Of Kossuth (M) 10/31/1969 R786374; Black
Fancy Dutch (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Carney's Queen Ann II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bismarck's Doctor's Orders CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Carney's Sanby (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Wiggles Wood (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Little Miss Muffet XV (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Maximillian IV (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Fancy Prince Spartan (F) ; Salt & Pepper
McClain's Spartan Prince (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Schroeder's Lancer (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Jewel's Fancy Gem (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bonnie True Love (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pfeffer Von Pete CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Jones Sturdy Kam Mac (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Brown's Tiffany Silver CD (M) ;
Royal Oak Duchess (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kellison's Pride Ginger (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Young's Brenda (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Young's Delsey (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kaelee Black Joel UD () ; Salt & Pepper
Kaelee Black Katrina CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
Little Honda Joe (M) 01/19/1966 R548307; Salt & Pepper
Judael's Happy Hasenfeffer (F) 11/16/1969 R758681; Salt & Pepper
Liebchen Hasenfeffer (F) 02/13/1971 R900170; Salt & Pepper
McKay's Dandy Boy () ; Salt & Pepper
Mo-Ray's Tweedie Maxie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Vaseys Lashes Of Terri-Town (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gusto Von Schnapp's CDX (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Hill Top Adolph (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Spiekemeier's Delight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bunk's Kurt (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Holly's Plickadillie (F) R486616; Salt & Pepper
Sportman's Delight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Playboy Of Pilot Grove (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Winnike's Delight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Tinker Bell XII (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Baron Smirnoff Von Pilatz (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Fraulein Pepermint Schnapps CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Victory's Vicki (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Brunk's Dixie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Breezyway's Tweedle Dee Dee (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Brunk's Little Begie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sugar Candy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Wheeler's Buddy (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Doug's Little Sniffles (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Talmadge's Mata Hari (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Wendy's Shadow (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Zita Marie Von Rodd (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Von Klein Jethro (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Duchess Von Kruschka (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mary's Folly II (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Jenifer Jem Von Pen-Ram (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rampage's On Solitaire (F) 04/26/1970 R836453; Salt & Pepper
AM CH RAMPAGE'S PUCKER POWER (F) 08/14/1969 R724959; Salt & Pepper
Rampage's Puckette (F) 04/26/1970 R831481; Salt & Pepper
Rampage's Rambunctious (F) 08/14/1969 ; Salt & Pepper
Rampage's Ready Power (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Rampage's Renegade Kelly (M) 04/26/1970 ; Salt & Pepper
Su-Bro's Tiara Abinito (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Hultman's Handfull Of Silver (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Val-Kam's Teena Marie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Claytown's Tonia (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Claytown's Erlane (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Elixir Alexis (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Precious Gem (F) 05/19/1962 R352702; Salt & Pepper
Katrina Peppery Kris (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Knife Rivers Misty Blue (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Frosty Jack (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Maid Of Athens (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Morning Song (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sue's PeWhiteer Sugar (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Dusty Annie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Country Miss (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Captain John (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Dusty Darling (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Dusty Jocko (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Rinzetta's Maid Missie CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Holiday Gal (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Senator Glen-Seds Cedar Miss CD (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Dusty Duchess (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Fancy Prince Spartan (F) ; Salt & Pepper
McClain's Spartan Prince (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Dusty Queen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Spiekemeier's Delight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bunk's Kurt (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Sportman's Delight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Mamzelle Mitzi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Friend's Tiger (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Applejack Jessica (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Shady Lady (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Tinker Bell XII (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Baron Smirnoff Von Pilatz (M) ; Salt & Pepper
BB's Cotton Candy (F) 07/02/2009 RN24006801; White
Lady Kris Kringle (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Brown's Duke Of Kringle (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Kandy Of Kringle (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Klymer-O-Kringle () ;
Louisa's Sugar Candy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Captain (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Sugar Queen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's King Counsel (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Louisa's Lively Lady (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sathgate Black Watch Dignitary () ; Salt & Pepper
Vesta Goddess Of Flame (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Claytown's Heidi (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ro-John's Helga (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Gilbert's Von Snover (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Klaus Von Snover CDX () ; Salt & Pepper
G Silver Slipper Hilight (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Keller's Katrena (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Brown's Tiffany Silver CD (M) ;
Terboles' Scheherazade (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Terboles' Jaunty Jill (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Brule Creek's Bright Tessle (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Enzauro's Midnight Sparkle () ;
Pam's Bright Silver Contessa () ; Salt & Pepper
Triebie's Gay Gale (F) R264686; Salt & Pepper
Susanne Lou () ; Salt & Pepper
Tree Bee's Gay Ginger Gale (F) R311586; Salt & Pepper
Willey's Delite (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Meyer's Schatzee Katrina (F) 10/14/1971 R937245; Salt & Pepper
Patterson's Miss Jason (F) ; Salt & Pepper