Reverse pedigree of:
Storyland's Pamela (F) ; Salt & Pepper |
Storyland's Pammie (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Sherman's Miss Whiskers (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ra-Nan's Jupiter's Juno (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Pepe Of Bayern (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bierchen Von Fredrichgruen (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Schnappsie Von Neustadt () ; Salt & Pepper
Storyland's Freddie (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Squaw Prairie's Sweet Sioux (F) ;
Gretel Von Debau (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Frosty Von Debsu CD () ; Salt & Pepper
Tee Vee's Rockmore (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Tee Vee's Evergreen's Sock (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Tinker Toy IV (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Tinker's Misty Miss (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Winsom Happy Jack (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Benjamin Many Sweet Miles (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Benjamin Oh My Sweet Desire (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Erica's Venture (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Fritz Der Teufel Selbst (M) ; Black
Yohann Sebastian (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Winsom Katrina Babe (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Winsom Krische (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Van Brooker's Just A Dude (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Storyland's Sieglinde (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bibarcy's Princess Pat () ; Salt & Pepper
Storyland's Hilda (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bojean's Cricket () ;
BoJean's Little Dreamer (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bojean's Chatter Girl (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Bojean's Fountain Blue (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Princess Of Sunnyside (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Angel Of Sunnyside (F) ;
Jezebel Of Sunnyside (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Storyland's Miss Amanda (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Ansel Von Neff (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Brandy Von Skold (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Mr Chips Von Skold (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Greta Von Neff (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Valarie Von Neff () ; Salt & Pepper
Jo Josephine Of Airlite (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Spicer's Barndy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Lamb's Adelheid (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Kane's Candy Kisses (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Schausie Von Neff () ; Salt & Pepper
Schnitzel Von Neff () ; Salt & Pepper
Schnopp's Von Ansel (M) ; Salt & Pepper
Gretchen Sausie Schramm (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Moen's Waggie Tail (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Spicer's Barndy (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Susie-Q Von Neff (F) ; Salt & Pepper
Tuffy A Johnson (M) ; Salt & Pepper