The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Siblings of:
Sire Regard's Hansel   
R148824; Salt & Pepper

Dam Duchess Dandy   
; Salt & Pepper

Full Siblings
  1. Shamrock Andy   
    ; Salt & Pepper

  2. Baroness Winifred   
    ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 1 Chrystal Of Sulk Centre   
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Hay's Chrysolite   
    ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 2 Regard's Betty   
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Regard's Kee-Kee   
    ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 3 Regard's Bonnie   
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Don's Roe Bonnie   
    ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 4 Regard's Heideroeslein   
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Regard's Dotty   
    ; Salt & Pepper

  2. Hans Von Kee Kee   
    ; Salt & Pepper

  3. Regard's Heidi Wystead   
    ; Salt & Pepper

  4. Wilhelm Halland's Regards CDX CAN CDX  
    ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 5 Regard's Mitzi   
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Thompson's Whiskers   
    ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 6 Thompson's Whiskers   
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Regard's Susette   
    ; Salt & Pepper

Dam Sibling 1 Regard's Timothy   
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Smokey Joe Duchesson   
    ; Salt & Pepper