The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Siblings of:
Minnie Welch
(F) 06/30/2003
RN03525803; Salt & Pepper
Breeder: T Powell & J T Powell
Owner: T Welch & G Welch
Sire Mister Scrappy Powell   

Dam Sissy Powell   

Full Siblings
  1. Little Mitzi Topsy   
    (F) 11/11/2002
    RM37159502; Salt & Pepper

  2. Spencers Harley   
    (F) 06/30/2003
    RN03525806; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 1 Josie Lady   
(F) 06/15/2003
RN02787801; Salt & Pepper

  1. Itsy Bitsy Boop   
    (F) 04/06/2005
    RN08087903; Salt & Pepper

  2. Miss Jazze Lady   
    (F) 04/06/2005
    RN08087902; Black & Silver

Sire Sibling 2 Tessla Ann Vongearheart   

  1. Josie Lady   
    (F) 06/15/2003
    RN02787801; Salt & Pepper

Dam Sibling 1 Doogie Hauzer The Schnauzer   
RM25282103 06-02;

  1. Sir Kc Leigh Jax Wasia   
    (M) 07/04/2001
    RM36255902; Salt & Pepper