The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Siblings of:
Chase Engal Melton
(M) 08/06/2004
RN05896102; Salt & Pepper
Breeder: S Allen
Owner: C Miller
Sire Zigie Fitz Gearld Allen   

Dam Crystal Bell Allen   

Full Siblings
  1. Sugar Baby Allen   
    (F) 04/03/2001
    RM33646701; Black & Silver

  2. Connie's Heart Of Zoe   
    (F) 06/06/2003
    RN02568403; Salt & Pepper

  3. Joys Lucky Starbuck   
    (M) 12/27/2003
    RN04181803; Salt & Pepper

  4. Darby Lou Buskill   
    (F) 10/05/2005
    RN09525702; Black & Silver

Sire Sibling 1 Tawnie-Jo-Allen   

  1. Dixie Anna Allen   
    (F) 12/05/2000
    RM32687604; Salt & Pepper

Dam Sibling 1 Chase Engal Melton   
(M) 08/06/2004
RN05896102; Salt & Pepper

  1. Sir G O Allen   
    (M) 11/21/2006
    RN13239701; Salt & Pepper