The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Siblings of:
Mindenwood Saucy Sue
(F) 10/16/1972
; Salt & Pepper
Sire Risepark Smart Alec   
(M) 01/17/1970
KCSB 2331BF; Salt & Pepper

Dam Risepark Jaunty Jane   
(F) 11/25/1970
; Salt & Pepper

Full Siblings
  1. Mindenwood Maxamillion   
    (M) 12/15/1973
    3228BJ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 1 Cinderella Of Fremnel   
(F) 09/23/1969
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Fremnel Bo-Peep   
    ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 2 Silfield Cupid   
; Salt & Pepper

  1. Silfield Popet   
    ; Salt & Pepper