The American Miniature Schnauzer Club
Siblings of:
Noble's Dixie
(F) 05/18/2015
RN28310102; Salt & Pepper
Breeder: E M Bontrager
Owner: E M Bontrager
Sire Mike Leader Of The Pack   
(M) 05/07/2013
RN25396401; Salt & Pepper

Dam Noble Carol, Keep It A Secret   
(F) 06/27/2014
RN26895102; Salt & Pepper

Full Siblings
Sire Sibling 1 M And E's Emma   
(F) 10/07/2009
RN20300503; Salt & Pepper

  1. Topviews Maybelline   
    (F) 12/01/2014
    RN27434503; Black

Sire Sibling 2 Mar's Noble Mindy   
(F) 05/22/2012
RN24191106; Black

  1. Hidden Holly MIA   
    (F) 06/03/2016
    RN29504005; Salt & Pepper

  2. Hidden Holly Mindy   
    (F) 06/03/2016
    RN29504004; Salt & Pepper

  3. Hidden Holly Maggie   
    (F) 06/03/2016
    RN29504006; Black & Silver

Sire Sibling 3 Mm Casey   
(F) 04/28/2017
RN30694401; Salt & Pepper

  1. Star Bright VII   
    (F) 03/23/2019
    RN33403803; Salt & Pepper

  2. Betsy Jane Fisher   
    (F) 03/23/2019
    RN33403802; Black & Silver

Sire Sibling 4 Noble's Cinderella   
(F) 05/13/2013
RN25351503; Salt & Pepper

  1. Mindy Loves Mork   
    (F) 07/16/2015
    RN28393401; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 5 Noble's Emerald Elaine   
(F) 05/13/2013
RN25351502; Salt & Pepper

  1. Noble Rosie   
    (F) 09/05/2015
    RN28556105; Salt & Pepper

  2. Hershberter's Sally   
    (F) 09/05/2015
    RN28556101; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 6 Noble's Mickey The Mischief Maker   

  1. Noble Petunia   
    (F) 08/20/2015
    RN28414004; Salt & Pepper

  2. Noble's Minnie   
    (F) 08/20/2015
    ; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 7 Noble's Rose In The Riverdale   
(F) 04/21/2013
RN25351604; Salt & Pepper

  1. Noble Carol, Keep It A Secret   
    (F) 06/27/2014
    RN26895102; Salt & Pepper

  2. Chupps Barry   
    (M) 11/13/2015
    RN28809706; Salt & Pepper

Sire Sibling 8 Noble's Vicki   
(F) 02/11/2012
RN23582402; Black & Silver

  1. Noble Dolly   
    (F) 09/19/2016
    RN29964707; Salt & Pepper

Dam Sibling 1 Noble Diamond A Gem From Happy Dog Dale   
(M) 10/22/2013
RN26011008; Salt & Pepper

  1. Miller's Nicole   
    (F) 01/18/2016
    RN28948905; Salt & Pepper