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About AMSC & Membership Information

The American Miniature Schnauzer Club, a member club of the American Kennel Club, was founded in 1933. It has over 450 members residing in practically all 50 states, Canada and other foreign countries. Membership to the AMSC is through nomination by two existing members and approval by the Board of Directors. The AMSC is the parent organization for 18 local Miniature Schnauzer Specialty Clubs in the United States. Each of these clubs was founded by groups of dedicated Miniature Schnauzer fanciers interested in promoting wider knowledge and greater appreciation of the extraordinary qualities of this breed.

Specialty Shows and Fun Matches are held by most local clubs at various times throughout the year.

The Mission of the American Miniature Schnauzer Club is to encourage and promote correct type in Miniature Schnauzers, and we are responsible for defining the “Breed Standard” as recognized by the American Kennel Club The AMSC conducts National Specialties, dog show events just for Miniature Schnauzers competing in Conformation, Obedience, Rally, and Agility.

The club publishes our quarterly AMSCOPE Magazine for members, and produced several AKC publications and videos .

Membership in the Club

Membership in The American Miniature Schnauzer Club is open to all persons interested in the breed and who subscribe to our mission and objectives. Prospective members must be sponsored by two AMSC members in good standing and they must also be in good standing with the American Kennel Club and their native Kennel Club, if foreign.

Single U.S. membership dues are $40.00.  Joint U.S. membership dues are $60.00.  See Membership Application below for other countries.

AMSC Property T-Shirt

All members agree to abide by the American Miniature Schnauzer Club’s Constitution and Bylaws (PDF), the Code of Ethics of the AMSC and the Rules and Regulations of the American Kennel Club.

Using the Adobe “Fill & Sign” option complete the Membership Application, have your two sponsor complete their forms, and submit the correct category of dues payment to the Membership chair for processing. Prospective member names will be emailed to the entire membership at least one month before they are voted on. Our Board of Directors currently votes on new membership applications 4 times each year. More details are on the applications. 

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